Link to review modals

Assignment to complete the partial

Write your own advertisement for a fraudulent product. Use as many examples as possible of how could you sell it?

Let's play more

Book worm for everyone.


Freaky Magician

If you get the trick let me know because I couldn't figured it out.

Commercials Mania!

Ok here you have the first task!
In the followings post you will see at home, in your room, at the patio, at school, I mean anywhere these commercials named the best ones of 2007.
You will see them carefully and answer these questions as "comments", if you have any problems, let me know, if not, I wont bother, lets see.

1. After watching the commercials or ads, which one is your favorite and why?
2. What is the message?
3. How does it convince people to buy the product?
4. Which one is your least favorite, and why?
5. What is the problem with the message?
6. Why it doesn't work?
7. What would you do to change it if you had the chance?

With your own opinion, answer these questions under this entry. thanks

Best Commercials part 2

Best Commercials part 1